Monday 12 September 2011

The fundamental difference between a boss and a leader

Hi, This is an essay that I made during summer course in Harvard Summer School which I thought Interesting to be posted as it covered the fundamental difference between a leader and a boss.

Based on “The Brand Called Obama” article, there is a fundamental difference between a leader and a boss. Craig Newmark, the founder of Craigslist, views Barrack Obama as a leader rather than a boss. So what is the difference and what makes it so important for us? “A leader, he notes, gets people to do things on their own, through inspiration, respect, and trust.” In contrast, “A boss can order you to do things, sure, but you do them because it’s part of the contract”. This makes managers in organizations thinks, am I being a boss or a leader?

In most cases, managers might fall into the category of a boss rather than a leader, because they work with employees under the agreement of contract, which makes them only do things in accordance with their contracts. They ignore the requirement of a good manager, which is being a good leader for their employees.

I believe that most of us would agree that a good leader is the one that able to influence and win people’s heart throughout their actions that may lead to their success. So instead of just doing what is being required in the contract, managers should gain respect and trust throughout their actions. For example, Richard Branson, an entrepreneur, become so successful because he can gain trust from the public and use that trust to build his business. He has the quality of a good communicator and a charismatic leader, which makes him a good leader.

Furthermore, it is possible that a boss may possess the ability to be a good leader. For example, Warren Buffett is the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway; he is a successful boss and a leader, why? As Kirn says in his article, he is described as “charismatic, reassuring, quotable prototype of the honest capitalist” and “he’s capable of influencing elections, galvanizing rock concert size crowds, and in general defining how we Americans feel about the system that underlies our wealth”. His reassuring characteristics made people have faith in him such as by saying “Buffett the folk hero and Buffet the communicator”. These qualities make people trust and have high expectation towards him, which makes him able to influence people and make his company successful.

The difference between a leader and a boss is clear: a leader is the one who has a charismatic personality that able to influence other people while a boss is someone who instructs people according to his/her will because it’s part of their job. I believe that the world needs a person who can become a boss and also a leader, such as Warren Buffet and Richard Branson, who are able to influence, gain trust and sympathy from the public.

Please take note I’m writing this from my personal point of view and based from reading the course materials. If you want to add something or comment, just do so. Thanks.

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